The luck of the Irish for good petitioning weather to you
We're more than halfway through the petitioning period to get candidates on the ballot for local elections, and of course, many of us are also carrying important judicial petitions as well. Keep up the work and let's hope we have the luck of the Irish starting today (St. Patrick's Day) and have good weather the rest of the month! Even with pretty yucky weather last Saturday, the Celeste for Mayor campaign had a big and fun contingent with kids and families walking the parade route in Utica. Great job to all involved!
Unrepresentative Brandon Williams Enables the MAGA Agenda
Hopefully you read your email from co-founder Ezra Levin on Tuesday, and learned about the launch of The Unrepresentatives, Indivisible's campaign to defeat the MAGAs in Congress and retake the House in 2024. Ezra previewed the plan with Rachel Maddow on Monday night. (Here's the clip in case you missed it). The short version? Indivisibles are taking on the 18 most vulnerable Republican representatives by exposing their extremism, holding them accountable and defeating them. And guess who is on the list? That's right, our very own truffle farming, carpetbagging, tech millionaire posing as someone who cares about the people and communities in NY22: Brandon Williams.
March Madness, Petitions, Canvassing, Phone calls
Get ready for a month of petitioning. It's time to collect signatures to get candidates on the ballot (or ourselves onto Dem committees). When we collect signatures, it's not just about getting candidates on the ballot, though. It's about that first pass at connecting with registered voters, letting them know what is happening in the upcoming election, and listening to their concerns and priorities. It's about building relationships with voters so that they have a connection year round, not just the week before the November election.
NY22 Summit Follow Up Meeting on Zoom
Here's a message from the NY22 coalition support team: "We're moving forward with the excitement of the NY22 Summit! The previous grassroots coalition for NY22 was called "Knit the District." We've created "Our NY22" as the tentative name for this coalition as it is more inclusive and expansive with organizations and people who are working in unison towards a common vision of what we want our NY22 to be.
We invite you to attend a meeting for the working groups on Wednesday, March 1st from 7-8 pm on Zoom.
Join IMV's February Zoom Meeting Tuesday @7 pm
Please join IMV for our February 2023 Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 21st, 7-8:30 pm. We have a packed agenda that includes:
John Zogby of John Zogby Strategies will give an overview of the central NY political landscape, electoral shifts, and how he sees the future of parties and polarization.
Local candidates, some known and some new, all of whom need our support for their elections in 2023 (Celeste, Caroline, Crystal, & Katie)
NY Summit Recap and next steps
REI (Race, equity & inclusion) section featuring news from the new NAACP Utica/Oneida County branch elected officers.
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue
Over 130 people attended the NY22 Summit in Cazenovia last Saturday, and it was an energizing and exciting event. Thanks to all who braved the cold, and for those who were unable to be there, we will share some highlights at IMV’s February meeting on Zoom.
ICYMI: Our NY22 Summit was featured in the Feb. 6th national Indivisible email with photos from a tweet from Dustin Czarny (Onondaga County Board of Elections Commissioner) as THE IndivisiWin of the Week.
We're Coming Together to Build a Blue Wave Coalition
Are you ready for our biggest NY22 Summit yet? We're up to more than 180 registrants heading to Cazenovia tomorrow from all over the district and beyond. The event is scheduled in person for Saturday, Feb. 4th, 10am-4pm at the Hampton Inn in Cazenovia. The costs including lunch are covered by Indivisible organizing grants.
After Our Women's March Rally--What's Next?
Thanks to all those who joined IMV for our 7th annual women's march event: "Bigger than Roe." It was wonderful to see more than 50 of you lining the sidewalks again, and the energy level was high in spite of the cold weather. (We know that those of you who could not attend were there in spirit.) We got a nice length segment on WKTV showing our members and our signs. Jill was our spokesperson, and she communicated the message that we were standing up peacefully for the human rights that everyone deserves and that we were doing it together to build up community rather than divide or tear down. It was a positive message that resonated with that very first Women's March in 2017. Looking around at us in our pink hats on Sunday it was clear that it's been quite a political journey so far--and worth the trip.
Will You Show Up for the Utica Women's March Rally?
Everyone is welcome to join IMV in Utica at noon on Sunday, Jan. 22nd, for our sister rally, part of the national 2023 Women's March. It's the exact date of the 50th anniversary of Roe. That's BIG, and yet, our demands for rights and freedoms are even bigger than Roe.
Many of us first got involved, or got re-energized, in politics at Women's Marches in 2017. It's been seven years. Together, let's stay strong!
IMV's Utica Women's March Rally
IMV's January 2023 Meeting was packed with energy and information. We had several first time attendees at our meeting on Zoom on Tuesday--WELCOME if you are new to Indivisible Mohawk Valley!
We also sought and received your input on plans for a Utica Women's March Rally on the national day of the March--Sunday, January 22! We will meet at noon at the corners of Genesee and Memorial Parkway/Burrstone, and wave signs and make some noise. This year's theme is Bigger Than Roe and it means this: "We are not going gently. We are taking our fight to every state in this country on January 22, 2023. We are putting all politicians on notice: If you come for our families, our freedoms, or our future, we are coming for your seat. Our movement is strong. Our movement is growing. Our movement is bigger than Roe."
Join IMV for our January 2023 Meeting
Can you believe that IMV (that's all of us!) has been doing grassroots political activism for six years? We're ready to make our seventh year our very best one yet! Please join us on Zoom this Tuesday evening, and invite a friend. We have a lot to cover, including some time we'll be devoting to planning the seventh annual Utica Women's March. Bring your ideas!
Your brilliant ideas for IMV action in 2023
Thank you to everyone who came to our IMV Zoom meeting on Tuesday evening and participated in breakout sessions. You generated wonderful ideas about how to approach messaging and political action while we have MAGA Republican Members of Congress and a Republican controlled House in 2023. We missed you if you were not able to attend. There's always an opportunity to catch up at a CAFE Friday in the next few weeks--every Friday morning at 9:30 am on Zoom.
Join Our December 13th Zoom Meeting
Congratulations to Sen. Warnock, and all the Indivisibles in Georgia, across the country, and all of you who volunteered to help with the runoff in Georgia by texting, donating, writing, and calling! We won the 51st seat! And while we are still stinging in central New York from the loss of congressional seats, in November, we have an amazing Senate majority leader who has been and remains a leader working with the President, and a Governor is who head down and doing the work of governing. Onward!
We are looking forward to seeing you for our last meeting of the year on Zoom Tuesday, Dec. 13th, 7-8 pm. We have a quick and simple agenda to preview the new Indivisible Guide for 2023 and what it means for us here in our congressional districts with Republican MOCs, Democratic senators, and lots of state and local work to do as well.
Three Fast Climate Actions To Take NOW
Many thanks to all the IMV members who made calls to legislators and the Governor and rallied for a two year moratorium on cryptomining! Many thanks also to Rachel May who co-sponsored the bill. After grassroots advocacy from NYS residents, business owners, winemakers, electeds, activists, & more, NYS is now the first state to protect the climate, environment, & local businesses & communities from energy-hogging cryptomining.
MV's Post Election Fall Fiesta Saturday 3:30 pm
Every year we gather post election for good Tex-Mex food and fellowship to celebrate all the hard work over the past months. Our post-election celebration is part of making political activism in the Mohawk Valley local, bite-sized and fun. Please join IMV for our Annual Fall Fiesta on Saturday, Nov. 19th, 3:30-5:30 pm. We're meeting at the Jewish Community Center 2310 Oneida Street, Utica. See you there!
Post election Fall Fiesta Nov 19th
Tis Veteran's Day, as we honor those who have served in our nation's defense, we also can be proud of the practical. local work that we have done in recent years to protect our democratic system of government, where elections celebrate the non-violent transfer of power as well as government by and for the people. We practice a form of defending democracy through our voting and through our political activism. Sometimes we win, as happened across the country where Indivisible's helped defeat MAGA extremism and proto-fascism. Sometimes we lose, as happened here locally, in spite of all our best efforts to Get Out the Vote (GOTV) for our excellent Democratic candidates.
Final REMINDER: We Need YOU for GOTV
Get Out the Vote is an all-hands on deck, four day effort that goes for about 10 hours per day for four days. Dedicate all the time you possibly can to this effort. The experts agree that the messaging, the strategy, the commercials, the mailers--these are all in the rearview mirror. Now it's just about who gets the most voters to the polls. Click in to sign up!
GOTV Rally & Party Today then...
Join Indivisible Mohawk Valley for a bite size, local, and fun party the night before GOTV (get out the vote) begins the next day! We’ll have pizza, salad, drinks and desserts plus candidates, campaign staff, and volunteers who are ready to flip NY22 blue! We're going to energize each other to do the work in the last four days that lead to tremendous voter turnout for our tremendous Democratic slate! See you 5-7 pm tonight at our 2022 Blue NY22 Crew Party at 238 Genesee Street in Utica (next to Motus).
Sign up for GOTV, then come to our Blue NY22 Crew party
Please click in and sign up for multiple shifts. Our freedoms depend on it. Our democracy depends on it. Remember you are knocking in Oneida County not just for Fran Conole but for representation in the state assembly with Dan Butterman and Marianne Buttenschon, for Judge Murad, for Gov. Hochol & Lt. Gov. Delgado, for Merima and for all the Democrats on the ballot. Thank you!
Early Voting starts in 1 week, GOTV in 2
Harvest on the Hill is a Utica tradition with a community stroll, candy for kids, and music along James Street in Cornhill that typically has several thousand attendees. It's a great way to reach voters on the first day of Early Voting, just 10 days before Election Day, so IMV is going to have a table with apples, candy, and a contest where kids can vote on their favorite candy while we do voter registration and talk to their parents about voting. This will be a super fun way for you to spend a couple hours volunteering and making the day fun. You can even wear a costume!