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Thank you for YOUR political activism

Fantastic Fall Fiesta & Gratitude for Your Political Activism

We had a good turnout at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday afternoon for our annual post-election fall fiesta celebration.  Thanks to all who attended and brought a number of first timers to our monthly meeting.  We know that many of you were unable to attend as well, and we missed you!  Our theme was "Gratitude."  We:

  • Shared our appreciation for our many allies and partners in activism. 

  • Thanked our local candidates who ran their hearts out this past year. 

  • Said what and who we were thankful for in our own activism community--and the list was long!

  • Talked about what we were looking forward to in the coming year, including flipping NY22

The walls were covered with expressions of gratitude and appreciation as well as hopes for the future.  And... there was a very long standing ovation for Celeste Friend when she arrived. 

We discussed plans for our monthly meetings in December and January, and it looks like we will hold those in person.  Please save the date of Sunday, Dec, 17th 2-3:30 pm for our next meeting, location TBA.  

Protest Against Rep. Williams Putting Rome Jobs at Risk

Check out the press release (below) about our rally on Tuesday.  WKTV showed up and gathered video and quotes, but didn't cover the event on the news, from what we could see.

"Rome, NY - Today, members of Indivisible Mohawk Valley rallied on Hill Road at Griffiss Tech park in Rome to support and show solidarity for the workers of Rome Lab and DFAS. This is the second time in less than two months that Congressman Brandon Williams has put their jobs at risk by bringing the country to the brink of a government shutdown. Rally goers held signs with messages including “Solidarity with Workers,” “Protect Paychecks,” “Protect DFAS and Rome Lab Jobs,” and “Williams, we’re watching you.” 

“I work at Griffiss and personally know many people who would be affected if they were told they had to stay home instead of going  to work because of a government shutdown,” said Elaine Wojciechowski who attended the event. 

“I’m a NYSUT member, and I showed up today because I know how important it is to speak up and show solidarity with workers,” said Carole Gehrig, a retired teacher. 

The government is currently funded through November 17th. Today the House of Representatives led by Republican Speaker Mike Johnson brought up a “ladder” continuing resolution, which means some parts of the government will be funded through January 19th and others through February 2, 2024. It passed with 326 bipartisan votes with more Democrats voting for it than Republicans. The CR now goes to the Senate. Congress is now more than 6 weeks past due for funding the government for the entire fiscal year. 

“Congressman Brandon Williams seems to be fond of this “kick the can down the road every few weeks” style of governing, and it’s stressing out constituents in Oneida County,” said Sarah Reeske, co-leader of Indivisible Mohawk Valley."

Two Quick Actions for Climate

1. If you called Tom DiNapoli last week, thank you, and please call again! The major focus of the Divest NY campaign this fall is to press NY State Comptroller DiNapoli to fully divest the NYS Common Retirement Fund (CRF) from Exxon and other gas and oil companies. His decision is overdue. We want to ensure that he doesn't backslide and that he follows through on the commitment to divest from fossil fuels. And if you haven’t signed this new petition yet, please do that as well and share widely.

Call DiNapoli at 866-961-4293 or 518-474-4044 and share this message: 

Sample script:

Please fully divest the state pension from oil and gas companies, especially Exxon. You need to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and stop investing in companies that knowingly drove climate change, which threatens the future of humanity.

Background and details outlined here: DiNapoli fact sheet

2. Please also call Governor Hochul at and urge her to sign the Birds and Bees Protection Act using the sample script below. 518-474-8390, press 2 for a person.

Sample script:

I’m calling to urge Governor Hochul to sign the Birds and Bees Protection Act exactly as it passed in the spring, immediately! My name is ____ and I live in ____. I’m calling to urge Governor Hochul to sign into law the Birds and Bees Protection Act (S1856-AHoylman-Sigal/A7640 Glick) which would curb wasteful use of neurotoxic neonic (knee-OH-nick) pesticides which are a leading cause of mass losses of bees and other pollinators that we depend on for food. They also extensively pollute New York water, putting our health at risk, especially the health of our children. I strongly support the Birds and Bees Protection Act and ask Governor Hochul to sign it today.

If you’d like more information, please see this fact sheet.
Oneida County Democratic Women's Club Brunch

The Oneida County Democratic Women's Club is holding its annual holiday brunch on December 10th at 11:30 am at Monarch Banquets, 16 Erie Street in Yorkville. The ticket price is $40.  RSVP by Nov. 30 here: ACTBLUE.COM/DONATE/OCDWCHolidayBrunch

It's a Quiet Time of the Year... Rest Up!

Following the 2023 general election, we have entered the one true lull of the annual political calendar.  Through the end of the year, there's no petitioning, no canvassing, no phone banking, no postcards, and no legislative lobbying.  Democrats came to the rescue in Congress so there's no looming shut down deadline until January.   So...rest, recuperate and recover.  We'll let you know if anything crazy happens in DC or anywhere else that calls for emergency mobilization. For now, spend time with family and friends.  Catch up on whatever got lost in the midst of issue and electoral activism. 

We will meet on December 17th, 2-3:0 pm. for our final IMV meeting of 2023 We're still looking for a meeting location, so stay tuned. 

CAFE Fridays will continue to meet weekly today and also the day after Thanksgiving. However, there will not be an IMV email next Friday, so hang on to this one if you need the CAFE Fridays zoom link (in the calendar). Please join the conversation!  Who needs Black Friday consumerism when you connect with people who share your progressive values?  

Thank you for your donations, your time, your energy, and your willingness to show up in our IMV political activism community.   

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Follow us on Twitter using @indivisiblemv and of course our Facebook page and IMV Activism Group