You're invited to IMV's Fall Fiesta on Sunday

You're Invited: IMV's 2023 Fall Fiesta Sunday 

Please join us for our annual IMV Fall Fiesta Post Election Celebration on Sunday, November 12th, 1:00-3:30 pm at the Jewish Community Center, 2310 Oneida St, Utica.

 As always, the post election period is time to celebrate all the work we did together this year and begin to dream about what's ahead.  You don't need to bring anything-- Indivisi-Gather funds are used for this event to help us build progressive community within and beyond our organization. 

Please email if you plan to attend to help us order the right amount of food from Rio Grande. If you show up last minute, that's fine too!

We welcome longtime members, those who are new to IMV, and especially, those who have become involved in political action recently as part of electoral campaigns. As always, bring a friend!  We are about to enter our 8th year making political action local, bite-size and fun. Join us!

CAFE Fridays are for Community

We're entering a relatively quiet period on the political activism calendar.  (Exception: avoiding a government shut down on Nov. 17th). 2023 Elections are over and 2024 electoral work gets going later in winter when we start petitioning.  And the state legislative advocacy work we do begins later in January.  In the meantime, we have a weekly community conversation on Zoom called CAFE Fridays.  All are welcome!

Friday, Nov. 10th, 9:30 am-10:30 am, IMV CAFE Fridays, Come by and connect for the latest news and conversation with other IMV activists.  Zoom link HERE.   PW: 607973  

P.S. The regulars will tell you they never end at 10:30--the conversation is often still going at 11:00 or later, so drop in and out when you can. 

One Quick Action for Climate

The major focus of the Divest NY campaign this fall is to press NY State Comptroller DiNapoli to fully divest the NYS Common Retirement Fund (CRF) from Exxon and other gas and oil companies. His decision is overdue. We want to ensure that he doesn't backslide and that he follows through on the commitment to divest from fossil fuels. Please sign this new petition and share widely.

You can also make a call if you would like.

Call DiNapoli at 866-961-4293 and share this message: 

"Please fully divest the state pension from oil and gas companies, especially Exxon. You need to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and stop investing in companies that knowingly drove climate change, which threatens the future of humanity."

Background and details outlined here: DiNapoli fact sheet.

Tell Brandon Williams: No Disastrous Shutdown!

We're heading toward the looming deadline for the Continuing Resolution (CR) that avoids a government shutdown. The previous CR was only a band aid of six weeks, and the Republicans in Congress wasted most of it doing nothing but trying and failing to elect a new Speaker  So we're back to square one. 

The new deadline is next week--Nov. 17th, so save the date of Tuesday, Nov. 14th, 3:30 -5:30 pm when we hold a public action to call attention to fact that Brandon Williams will be to blame if families in NY22 don't get paychecks because he and his MAGA Republican colleagues in Congress put their extremist demands ahead of the livelihoods of their constituents. If you are able to attend or want more details about the protest action, please email:  

But today, let's start the calls to Brandon Williams's Utica office, (315) 732-0713
 The message is simple. Tell him: "Vote to fund the government and avoid a shutdown that will cost NY22 families their paychecks. Do it NOW."


What Happened on Tuesday

There were a couple bright spots on Election Day for the local candidates IMV supportedThere were also some very tough losses.  You can see our official statements about all six candidates on our Indivisible Mohawk Valley Facebook page. Here they are in case you missed them: 


"IMV is excited for the re-election of Caroline Reale for Oneida County Legislature. The people of district 15 have been well served and believe in Caroline. We do too! Congratulations, Legislator Reale!"

"IMV congratulates Councilmember Katie Aiello on her re-election to the Utica Common Council to continue serving the first ward with integrity, transparency, and diligence to ensure the City of Utica is working in the people’s best interests."

Thank you for Running

"IMV is proud of Shelly Gardner for running for Rome Common Council in Ward 2. Not only did she register dozens of first time voters, but she made sure that every person she met at the doors  knew the power of their vote. Thank you, Shelly!"

"IMV thanks Crystal Faria, a first time candidate, for running to bring positive change to rural county legislature district 10. Voters had a meaningful choice for the first time in 20 years because of Crystal."

"IMV thanks first time candidate Julie Gederos for running for Utica Common Council, and hopes she runs for local office again in the future!"

The final one, of course, was the one that hit so many of us the hardest, because we worked so hard for her, Celeste Friend for Utica Mayor (Utica for All). The news on Wednesday that Democrats did well at the polls across the country rang hollow for many of us because the result in the Utica mayor's race was a gut punch.  Here's our statement:

"Indivisible Mohawk Valley is so grateful to Celeste Friend for running a fantastic campaign with a message of inclusivity and a bright future for Utica. She inspired thousands of people to vote and hundreds to volunteer with her campaign. We are so proud of you, Celeste!"

Thank you IMV, for all you did to support Celeste's race for Mayor. Oneida County Democrats have never seen such a well organized campaign, and we got to be part of it. There will be time to consider the lessons learned and regroup for future efforts, but for all those who contributed to the campaign, who wrote letters and raised funds, knocked and cooked, called and planned, and rallied together for nearly a year, you know that it was an amazing experience. Celeste's campaign formed a real community, one that will continue well into the future.  .  

For now, we hope to see every one of you at IMV's annual Fall Fiesta on Sunday at the JCC. Participating actively in politics can be full of hope.  It can be messy.  Sometimes it is downright devastating, but one thing we know for sure:

Democracy is not a spectator sport.  

Follow us on Twitter using @indivisiblemv and of course our Facebook page and IMV Activism Group


Thank you for YOUR political activism


Rally for Celeste 10am 11/4 @Oneida Square