Making Political Activism Bite Size, Local, and Fun
Making Political Activism Bite Size, Local, and Fun
No matter where you were born, neighborhood you live in, gender or who you love, members of Indivisible Mohawk Valley believe that you are important and worth fighting for. You deserve healthcare, good wages with the power to form a union, a healthy planet and a prosperous future where you have the freedom to live your authentic life.
Some politicians want to attack those who they consider different because of the color of their skin, language they speak, or how they love to try to scare and distract us from what they are really doing, which is making their rich billionaire friends richer so they will donate to their campaigns.
All of us coming together is their worst nightmare, and we know why. It’s because when more of us care for each other’s well-being, we’ll see through their trickery and demand what we all deserve. We invite you to join IMV and let’s resist the bad guys who are trying to take away what we want for our families and communities.

Help us vote in a brighter future
Elections have consequences, so IMV members get involved in local, state, and federal elections to help elect candidates who share our values and who we will hold accountable to help us achieve the vision we want.
Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with IMV — both big and small. We’ve listed several here, but you may have something else in mind. Let us know. Either way, we’re here to support your activist journey.
Attend an IMV meeting. Refer to our calendar.
Get our newsletter. Request it here.
Let your reps hear from you! Call their offices.
Write a letter to the editor.
Contribute through ActBlue. Or mail a check to
Treasurer, Indivisible Mohawk Valley
2 Laurelwood Rd, New Hartford, NY 13413

Email Us
Contact us with your ideas.