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Postcard Project Liftoff!

Postcard Writers, Activate!

It's time to write postcards for our first 2022 postcard project!  These postcards are large and colorful, and encourage targeted voters in key areas to notice how President Biden's infrastructure bill will positively impact their lives by improving rural broadband.  It's a "thank you, Democrats!" message that we can all embrace. You can pick up postcards (and a sample message so you know what to write) starting today (Friday, Feb. 25th) in packs of 100 at the following addresses:

8 Lyndon Road, Whitesboro
2 Laurelwood, New Hartford
19 Proctor Ave., Clinton

If you want to pick up in Rome, email Jennifer at jgeiger777@gmail.com to arrange to pick up postcards.  Thanks for writing postcards to our rural Democratic Mohawk Valley neighbors to remind them of the positive results of being voters!  We are also taking donations of first class stamps for the large size postcards we're mailing; you can drop them into the resistance boxes at the addresses above. 

We especially need monetary contributions to support this postcard project as well as to pay for the refrigerator magnets and letters we will send to all newly registered Democratic voters in Oneida and Herkimer counties on a monthly basis.  Our Treasurer, Deborah Wilson-Allam, says, "Both our ActBlue and our checking accounts are running very low."  Please Make a contribution through ActBlue. Or mail a check to IMV, 19 Proctor Ave, Clinton, NY 13323.  This information is also on our IndivisibleMV.org website. Thank you for your donations to local progressive political activism in the Mohawk Valley.  

Climate Crisis Workgroup Meets Monday & Call Today for $15B

Please join us for Climate Crisis Working Group Meeting, February 28th @ 6:30pm hear about the Draft Scoping Plan and how we can make our voices heard, NY Renews March 8th Rally and legislation that supports CLCPA such as the CCIA.   Here's the link to the meeting on Monday:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88689782268

On March 8th join NY Renews coalition in Albany for a Rally to demand "$15B Before it is Too Late" to fund the CLCPA. If you are interested in attending and need transportation e-mail Maggie Reilly at Margaret_reilly@mac.com or email IndivisibleMV.org. 

This week we are asking that you continue to call New York State leadership to tell them to support CLIMATE CAN'T WAIT! Climate Can’t Wait is the name for 12 climate bills that NYS should pass this year to help ensure a healthy future for all.
Governor Kathy Hochul at 518 474-8390
Senate Majority Stewart-Cousins at (518) 455-258
Assembly Speaker Heastie at 518-455-3791

Sample script:

“Hi,  my name is ____ and I live in ____, zip code ____. I’m calling to urge you to pass all 12 bills in the Climate Can’t Wait policy package for a livable future, with a renewable, green jobs economy that works for all. New York State must take sweeping, meaningful climate action NOW, dedicating $15 Billion in funding to implement the CLCPA. Please, be the climate champion that history needs and urge NYSDEC to uphold the air permit denial of Danskammer.

Thanks to all those who made calls on Wednesday during NY Renews call relay to the State Senate Leader and Assembly Speaker. Hundreds of calls were made throughout the day, and the leaders' offices noted the tremendous call volume of people asking for $15B for climate justice in NY. The social media campaign on Tuesday was also a huge event, with #WeNeed15BandBBB trending on Twitter!

Keeping Warm with Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pumps (Virtual Tour)

Join Maggie & John Reilly of New York Mills as they give a virtual tour of their whole house heat pump system and solar PV array! Listen first hand to their path to not only clean heating and cooling but also how they transitioned off fossil fuels to clean energy/renewables. They have made a concerted effort to move away from fossil fuels by also using an air source heat pump hot water heater, charging their electric vehicle, and using battery powered landscape equipment, including a lawn mower, chainsaw, and hedge trimmer.

The virtual tour will start with a brief introduction about the campaign and available rebates and grants, and feature an overview of the locally-installed heat pump system, with the owners discussing the system, their motivations, and results. The installers will be present to discuss technical aspects of the system. This is an interactive event, please ask questions! Co-sponsored by HeatSmart CNY and HeatSmart Mohawk Valley.

Sunday, February 27th at 2PM: RSVP | Facebook

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsd-ivrD0sHtV-FFX4MNNv-4eAgMu4USKO

Health Care Meeting Wednesday

Did you know... that health coverage under NYH would be comprehensive, including all benefits covered by Medicaid, Medicare, Child Health Plus, and those mandated under the Affordable Care Act?

It's time to pass the NY Health Act for all New Yorkers!  Please join the IMV Health Care Work Group on Wednesday, March 2nd, 6:30 pm, IMV Healthcare Group Meeting.  NY Health Act actually has a shot in 2022 - Andrea Stewart-Cousins has committed to bringing it to the floor. BUT we will need to 'do our thing' - calls, LtE's, lobbying.  Do you have questions? Concerns? Want to know more about how New York can be the start to an amazing national ripple?  Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88253056704

IONY Update: Pushing a Progressive State Budget

Does the state budget seem a little wonky to you? Not sure you have the basic information? We have some tools to share with you via our Invest in Our New York (IONY) coalition.

1) Here is a letter that summarizes what NY Indivisible groups asked Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins to include in the one house budget. IMV will be an official signatory to that letter.

2)We encourage you to watch the amazing Q&A about the budget between Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Empire State Indivisible’s Shannon Stagmanlast week at OneNYS Indivisible’s meeting if you missed it. It’s posted here (passcode is R3U2i+48). Thanks to Sarah Reeske for organizing!

3) Also, we want to share this great tool that explains how to have a lobby visit with your state legislator(s) and/or their staff. Anyone can do this! Get together with a few fellow constituents, schedule your visit, and make your ask. There is just one month left before the state budget is set, and so now is the time when our representatives in Albany need to hear from us directly. The best way to do that is to look them in the eye (on Zoom or in person) and make the ask in clear language with specific dollars attached. Please call to schedule your lobby visit right away, and then email IndivisibleMV@gmail.com if you need help getting ready.

You can also use the sheet to make phone calls or email your state legislators. As we heard from Joelle Taylor at our meeting on Sunday, constituent calls, emails, and lobby visits make a huge impact on legislators.

March is for Candidate Petitions!

Please block off time in your calendar during March for collecting signatures on designating petitions. Petitioning is the first direct voter contact made by volunteers in this election. Not only are we modeling that democracy is not a spectator sport, but we are showing people at the doors that we are making activism bite size, local, and fun. Remember there are multiple ways to support petitioning including being a driver or ride-along-buddy. Make sure we know how you want to help by emailing us at IndivisibleMV@gmail.com.

March 1 is the first day to petition. Please, no petition signatures before that day.  Petitions are filed the first week of April, but we need to get them to Dem committee chairs and other collection points earlier so there is time to see where we are in terms of numbers and to make sure that the petitions are done correctly.  Please go out and petition in the first few weeks of March if possible!  Here's a calendar, if you are curious about the timelines for petitions and elections this year.  

We heard at out monthly member meeting on Sunday from Bill Thickstun, Betsy Briggs, and Jon Lipe about just how many excellent candidates we will have on the ballot in 2022--from judges to US Senator, from county clerk to U.S. House, and of course, many state offices from Governor to Senate and Assembly.  2022 is a big electoral year for the state of New York.  And getting candidates on the ballot is the critical first step to winning.  Please participate!  

NY19 Rep. Antonio Delgado

Rep. Antonio Delgado and his family spent last weekend in the Utica meeting his future constituents (and campaign volunteers!)   If you are excited about supporting Antonio Delgado for re-election in NY19, here is a campaign volunteer form--please fill it out now.  His campaign manager also shared this Volunteer Guide listing his achievements (more than 60 town halls in his district since 2019!) to help volunteers speak knowledgeably whether we're talking to neighbors or writing letters to the editor.  

Let's hope we start seeing these materials from many more candidates soon!

Rural Summit on Saturday

Rural Indivisibles: Join us this Saturday for Winning Rural Hearts & Minds Together - Indivisible 2022 Rural Summit. On Saturday, February 26, Rural Indivisibles and organizers all over the country join together to hear the best practices on messaging, fighting disinformation and how to effectively reach out to our rural friends and neighbors. Join for a day of community and training. The content is not just for people who live in remote areas, but for any of us who live in reddish areas. Build your skills and your network; it's not too late to sign up.

But I Can't Concentrate on Political Action When War is Breaking Out in Europe...

Yes, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is terrifying on many levels, but President Biden has done a good job of unifying the democracies of the world to stand strong against Putin's actions. As Ezra Levin said in his email yesterday, "We’re grateful for the Biden administration’s tireless efforts to avert this wholly unnecessary war, and urge him and international leaders to lead a coordinated, multilateral response to Russia’s actions, driving towards deescalation and an immediate cease-fire, as well as humanitarian efforts to support refugees fleeing the fighting. There should be no military action without Congress' approval. We are thinking of all those who face violence and danger as a result of the aggression of Putin and his oligarchs, and we are in awe of the courage we see from individuals around the world."

In other words, we don't need to despair. It's our very local political activism that builds the social capital we need to defend against autocracy and anti-democratic forces. None of us is in control of the actions by Ukrainian or Russian leaders right now, but we can talk to friends and family about our values, and we model how democracy works by participating in meetings with local elected leaders, writing letters to the editor, contacting fellow voters, and mobilizing in coalitions to advocate for climate crisis funding, health care, worker rights, and protection of migrants.

Breathe, then do the work you can, where you can, when you can.
You'll know you are making a difference, even when you can't stop a war on the other side of the ocean.
Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Follow us on Twitter using @indivisiblemv and of course our Facebook page and IMV Activism Group