Keep up the pressure on S1 For the People Act
Your Indivisible Update on S1
Indivisible has messaged out some key updates to our local groups. Here's what you need to know:
"The Senate took the next step forward on passing the bipartisan infrastructure framework, or BIF, starting with the motion to proceed that passed on Wednesday. The Senate will vote again, likely next week, in order to get the infrastructure bill done and sent to the House. Senate Democrats must now focus on passing a budget resolution before August recess and delivering a progressive recovery package to the House that includes expanded healthcare, universal child care, a pathway to citizenship, and massive investments in affordable housing, climate, and the care economy. Indivisible supports progressives in the House, as well as Speaker Pelosi, who have made it clear that the House will not take up this inadequate bipartisan package until a robust and inclusive recovery package has also passed in the Senate.”
Progress on infrastructure and the budget resolution matter because we need to keep up the momentum and remind Democrats of the key message of the most recent Indivisible Guide: Go big, go fast, get it right. And nowhere is that urgency more important than on getting the For The People Act over the finish line before recess. As Ezra tweeted following news that some Democrats are closer to working to find agreement on S. 1:
"We're at that stage of the fight where nobody really knows if we're maybe winning or maybe losing. Don't let this fog cloud what *you* can do. SHOW UP. Tell the Senate to put off recess til they reform the filibuster and pass the damn democracy bill."
"As part of the push, the Poor People’s Campaign is continuing the Season of Nonviolent Moral Direct Action with nonviolence civil disobedience actions happening in the coming week in DC and around the country. Click here to sign up for more information on upcoming events in our region, and be part of this historic moment for voting rights and democracy reform.
Here are your top actions for the week ahead:
Keep calling Sen. Gillibrand and Sen. Schumer and demand they pass S. 1 without delay -- and get a free sticker! We need to keep the calls coming in every single day this week to get the For The People Act over the finish line. Indivisible is also giving out "No Filibuster" stickers to everyone who makes a call this week! Use the form to automatically be connected to your senator, and then fill it out again to reach your other senator’s office to make sure they know that we need to get S. 1 done, no excuses. If you can't get through on their DC lines, you can call one of their other offices. Click the name for all their phone numbers: Sen. Schumer and Sen. Gillibrand
Join today on Twitter for #FilibusterFriday! Every Friday, Indivisibles are taking to Twitter to talk about the Jim Crow filibuster and why we need our senators to commit to ending it once and for all. Check out what others are posting using the #FilibusterFriday hashtag, and feel free to utilize this helpful Filibuster Friday Toolkit (just make a copy of the doc) and add your own local spin! We hope you’ll join us online! Sarah Reeske was a key part of the creation of this huge and lasting social media campaign. It's never too late to get on Twitter and check out #FilibusterFriday. So check out the notice below, and get your training from Sarah!
RSVP for our next monthly National Activist Call on Thursday, August 5. The National Activist Call is held on the first Thursday of every month for Indivisible activists, group leaders, and new members alike. Join Indivisibles across the country as we celebrate successes; discuss our national strategy, and take time to create connections while building community with each other.
Twitter Training with Sarah Reeske Wednesday
Still not sure how to get on Twitter? Got an account but not sure how to use it? Join Sarah Reeske for her Basic Training Twitter Tutorial. She'll demystify Twitter with you as we need your help with our weekly Filibuster Friday campaign.
Don't be afraid! Sarah makes it easy, and she'll show you how to use FOR GOOD not evil. It can be a powerful tool for influencing public opinion by reaching journalists, and especially for pressuring elected leaders.
Wednesday, Aug. 4 at 12:30 pm. Sign up here.
"Our Air Our Water" Ballot Proposition
Indivisible Mohawk Valley has joined a coalition advocating for a proposition that will appear on the ballot this November, the so-called “Our Air Our Water” amendment, endorsed by our own Working Group on the Climate Crisis. The coalition is being spearheaded by Environmental Advocates New York which just launched the campaign this past Tuesday. The proposition specifically asks if the following 15 words should be added to the Bill of Rights section of the New York constitution: "Each person shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment."
This will be Proposition 2, one of 5 propositions to appear on the ballot this November. Further information is at the coalition website:
CAFE Friday This Morning
Stay connected to IMV; pop into CAFE Fridays at 9:30 am every Friday morning.
Here's the Zoom link:
Password: 607973
There is never a shortage of political conversation, mutual support for taking actions, and just catching up between IMV monthly meetings. IMV's CAFE Friday is a key part of what makes politics local, bite-sized, and fun.
And be sure to mark your calendar for our August IMV meeting: Tues. August 17, 6:30-8:00 pm. We can't wait to talk about how we're going to help our local candidates win in November!
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